Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Lessons from a Sailboat 9

Lesson 9: The Rudder Gives Control

One of the most important parts of any boat is the rudder. This is a flat surface, usually made of aluminum and/or wood that is attached to the transom (back end) of the boat directly behind the keel. It is underwater and cannot be seen. Attached to the rudder is either a tiller (a kind of handle) or cables leading to a steering wheel. The rudder is the main control used for changing the direction of the boat. Compared to the size of the boat, the rudder is relatively small, but it is this small part that controls the entire boat.

It is extremely important for a Christian to be in control of his or her life. Nothing turns off unbelievers more quickly than a Christian who does not have self-control. A Christian who cannot control his/her tongue can cause a lot of damage. One who cannot control his/her appetite or sexual desires presents a poor example to others. On the other hand a Christian who demonstrates self control of his/her temper, and patience in the face of adversity is a powerful witness of the power of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:4
…each of you should learn to control your own body in a way that is holy and honorable

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