Lesson 15: Lending Support
Besides planting seeds into my garden I also put in about a dozen tomato plants. They were small, fragile things that I bought from a local nursery. I put them in with hope that some day they would produce fruit. In anticipation of this and as a sign of my faith in nature I bought a tomato cage for each of the plants to give them support as they grew. The plants were about four inches high, and the cages were about three feet high. They would have a lot of growing to do, but they would be surrounded by a support system as they grew.
Perhaps in your life there are new Christians or children who are just learning about Jesus. Their faith is small. Their understanding of the Christian life is very limited. As they start on their journey with God they need the support of Christians who are older and more mature than they are. They need help to remain upright in their life. You can be that support. You can be part of the church team or the network of friends who help others to grow in their faith.
Galatians 6:2
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
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