Lesson 21: There Are Different Kinds of Sheds
After building my shed, I began to notice other people's sheds more. I saw that some people built bigger sheds than mine, and some people built smaller sheds. Some were built from scratch and some were built from kits with all the lumber pre-cut. There were garden sheds and tool sheds, wooden sheds and plastic sheds. There were sheds with shingles and sheds covered with tin. There were sheds with gambrel roofs and sheds with gable roofs. There were hardly two sheds alike. I was tempted to compare my shed with others' sheds, but I quickly realized that this would be a big mistake. I was happy with my shed. It may not be the best, but it is mine. It serves my purposes. I will therefore enjoy my shed without comparing it to others.
One of the most destructive things we can do is compare our lives with the lives of others. Every person is different. Some become presidents, some become plumbers. Some become doctors, some become dancers. Some people become famous, others live in relative obscurity. The careers we pursue or the jobs we do are not nearly as important as what we are as human beings. The important thing is first to be all that God intends you to be, then to do all that you are capable of doing with the talents and gifts that are uniquely yours. Always work to improve yourself, but never compare yourself to others. Enjoy your life, the life that God has given you.
John 21: 17, 21, 22
Jesus said (to Peter), “Feed my sheep.
When Peter saw him (John), he asked, “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus answered, “...what is that to you? You must follow me.”
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