Lesson 7. Spark Plugs
Hidden deep inside a car’s gasoline engine are tiny porcelain and metal devices called spark plugs. Your car may have four, six, or eight depending on the size of your engine. One end of each plug reaches into the engine’s cylinders. The other end protrudes from the side or top of the engine and is connected by a wire to the car’s electrical system. When current flows a spark ignites the gasoline in the cylinder chamber. In my younger days, when engines were much simpler I would regularly replace these plugs myself. It was a fun thing to do in my driveway on a warm Saturday morning. There is something to be said of a guy buried to his waist under the hood of his car doing his own maintenance.
An old camp song begins “It only takes a spark to get a fire going.” Likewise without that spark the car is going nowhere. The same is true of any Christian endeavour. Nothing will get done for the Lord unless someone is willing to be the spark that gets the fire going. How often have you heard it said (or perhaps you’ve said it yourself): “Someone should do something about that”? Perhaps it was a Sunday school class that had no teacher, or homeless people who needed shelter, or unsaved people who needed to hear the gospel. Can you think of yourself as being a “spark plug” for Jesus?
Psalm 104:4
Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire.
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