Lesson 5. Brand Loyalty
Brand loyalty is a big thing in the car industry. My dad purchased his 1954 GMC pickup in 1955. He kept it for 10 years. For a while we called it Chevy, then as it became part of the family we called her Betsy. It was the only vehicle I knew during my growing up years. We loved that old Chev, but we weren’t Hard-core Loyals; we were Switchers driven by what we could afford. So over the years I have owned Chevs, Fords, AMC cars, and Dodges. With the exception of my first car, the Viva, I have stuck with North American brands. So I suppose there is some loyalty there to the domestic vehicles.
Loyalty is also important in our faith. Much more important than loyalty to car manufacturers. The Bible word for loyalty is “faithfulness.” It used to be that Christians counted loyalty to their church as something very important. If they were born into a particular denomination, they stayed as such until they died. Today, loyalty to a particular denomination is not so important in most people’s minds. This results in what some call “church hopping.” While “switching brands” is sometimes necessary, it should not be a regular habit. There is something to be said about putting down roots and becoming a faithful member of your church. But above all, faithfulness to Christ is what counts in the end.
Matthew 25:21
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
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