Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Lessons while Fishihng 20

Lesson 20: The Rewards of Fishing

Fishing is a rewarding experience. The challenge of outwitting a fish in its natural environment is thrilling. The skill of landing a large fish using a tiny, barbless, fly hook attached to an 8-pound test line with a rod that is bending like the letter U is exhilarating. And the smell of fresh fish in the frying pan and the taste of the delicious meal is heavenly. Of course there are many other rewards too: the fresh air and sunshine on your face, the sound of loons on the lake, the sight of mountains, streams and forest, the fellowship of other fishermen, and sometimes the solitude of sitting by oneself and feeling close to the Creator.

But nothing is as rewarding as the Christian life. Jesus talked about it in terms of joy. He described it as abundant life. To know that your life has meaning and that it will go on forever is the greatest thrill there is. To know Christ as your Saviour and friend is the greatest knowledge there is. To relate to God as His child—His son or daughter—to call Him Father and to know that He loves you more than you can imagine is the greatest relationship there is. Yes, following Christ sometimes has its difficulties, but these are only like fishing on a rainy day or casting your line into the wind compared to the great and wonderful rewards for the true follower.

John 10:10
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

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