Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Lessons while Fishing 2

Lesson 2: Different Kinds of Fishermen

There are fishermen and than there are fishermen. They are not all alike. Two big categories are commercial fishermen and recreational fishermen. I belong to the latter group because I don’t earn my living from fishing. However I still take my fishing seriously. Among the recreational fishermen there are the deep sea fishermen who go after the big fish such as sailfish and swordfish, and there are those who prefer to fish is streams and lakes and bring home pan fish for a good old-fashioned fish fry. There are fishermen who prefer to use bait and those who prefer to fly fish. All fishermen have one thing in common: they love what they do.

What can be said of fishermen can also be said of Christians. We are not all alike. Two big categories are Catholic and Protestant. Then there are sub-categories such as Evangelical, Holiness, and Charismatic to name just a few. Some Christians like to worship with loud, contemporary music, some with brass bands and orchestras, and some with soft organ music. There are Christians who prefer to worship with large crowds of thousands and others who prefer to belong to a small congregation of a hundred or less. But all real Christians have one thing in common: they love Jesus and want to follow Him. 

John 13:35 (NIV)
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

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