Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Lessons from a Shed 14

Lesson 14: Paint Impresses

My shed was starting to look like a shed. The floor and walls were up and the roof and shingles were in place. It was time to paint. Being the cheap guy I am, I went to the Restore, which is operated by Habitat for Humanity, and bought a gallon of paint (at half its original price) that had been donated by a construction company. Paint is more than just to make something look good. Paint protects. And I wanted to get my plywood sheeting protected from the rain as quickly as possible. Paint also covers up things you don't want noticed, things like nail heads, scratches in the wood, and knots. When people look at my shed, the first thing they notice is the paint. It is the paint that makes the first impression.

In our Christian life, people will first notice the obvious about us. They will be impressed or unimpressed by what they immediately see--how we dress, how we walk, whether or not we smile. They will also be impressed or unimpressed by what they hear from us--whether our language is offensive or encouraging. As they get to know us more they will judge us even more by the things we do--how we show our love for others, our attitude and our work habits.  These outward things are like paint on a shed--if they are good things, they will make a great first impression and cover up the minor flaws in our character.

1 Peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

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