Lesson 8 - Appreciate the Hidden Things
People who saw my shed for the first time told me they liked it. The men said "good job" and the women called it "cute." What they saw was the exterior, the painted, plywood walls, the white trim, the shingled roof, and the fancy door. They probably never gave any thought to all the hidden things that are holding it together. Underneath the paint, the shingles, and the trim are several hundred nails and screws silently doing their job without ever being noticed or admired. But even these had to be selected with care to ensure that the right size nails and screws matched the job they were doing.
As you build your life people may admire the big things you accomplish - your education degrees, your promotions, your inventions, or even your house or car. But its the little things that will determine your character - the kind things you do when no one else is looking, the silent prayer you make when alone, the annoymous donation you give to a homless person, the words of encouragement you speak to a young person. These hidden things are what will hold your life together.
1 Samuel 16:7
The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
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