Lesson 2 - Choose the best location
Every shed has to be built somewhere. You just can't build it anywhere. As with all real estate, location is of prime importance. Since the backyard of our property is small I chose one corner, the east corner, on which to build. The west corner was occupied by large, flat stones on which I planned to put our garden swing. Besides, the stones were heavy and would require a lot more work to move.
After measuring the ground and staking off the corners, I asked my wife what she thought of this plan. She looked at the location, paused, scrutinized the situation and made her decision. The shed, she said, will not work there. It will have to go in the west corner because the angle of our irregular-shapped backyard created more room there. In her opinion, the shed would look better there, and work better as well.
So I pulled up my stakes, got out my pick and shovel and began the back-breaking, sweaty task of removing the heavy stones to build in the better location.
The same is true in life. Where we choose to build our lives in important. Most of us will live in a number of different locations in our lifetime. Where we live will influence how we live. A life lived in a city will be quite different from one lived in the county. A life lived in the Far North will be different from one lived in an African village. Choose carefully and ask God for advice.
Genesis 12:1
The Lord said to Abram: Leave your country, your family, and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you.
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